Practice Info Sheet
42 Pearce Road (cnr Ramona Street) Quakers Hill, NSW 2763
Ph: 02 96268865 Fax:02 96262504
Monday to Friday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday: 9am – 3pm
Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: 9am – 1pm (Subject to change)
If there is an emergency, please call 000
At Ramona Street Medical Centre, we welcome all patients new and existing, we strive to provide the best health care service to the community, best working environment to staff and provide space for creativity in learning. Ramona street medical Centre is owned and managed by GP’s. It is a family-oriented practice delivering quality healthcare services for the local community. Our doctors are well experienced with a number of sub-speciality interests. We are committed to improving the happiness and wellbeing of our patients, integrating current knowledge of curative space with compassion and kindness, we are a young practice with aspirations to be the best practice in the hub of Westmead and surrounding suburbs.
Appointments can be made by calling our practice on 02 9626 8865 or you can book online through our website: . Our standard appointment length is 15 minutes. If you require a longer appointment or would like to book appointments for more than one member of the family, please advise reception when booking. We accept walk-in appointments, but priority will be given to those patients with pre-booked appointments.
We make every effort to accommodate your preferred time and GP. However, emergencies do occur, and though every effort is made to keep to appointment times, emergencies will be given priority. Our staff will attempt to contact you if unforeseen delays occur. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
Dr Bhadresh Patel
Dr Nageshwar Marry (Principal doctor)
Nurse Practitioner
Mrs Vineetha Francis-Loganathan
Allied Health’s:
Mr Sahil Lutchman – Chiropractor
Our RN’s:
Ms Chandni Rabadia
Ms Muskan Bajar
Mrs. Asha Kandiban
Miss Shreya Ravi
Ms Mridula Tirumala
Mr Ash Marry
Ms Ashitha Raj Neduvelil
Ms Ishaani Raj Neduvelil
- Children’s Health/ Immunisations
- Senior’s Health
- Men’s Health
- Women’s Heath
- Skin checks
- Diabetes Management
- Asthma Management
- Weight Management
- Mental Health Assessment
- Pre-employment Executive health checks
- Travel medicine
- Vaccinations
- Pathology
- Sports Medicine
- Minor Emergencies
- Work Cover/ Workers compensation
- GPMP Care Plans
- Covid Vaccination
- Flu Vaccination
At Ramona Street Medical Centre, we follow the OAIC Australian Privacy Principles as detailed here: Any information contained in your health record is confidential and is only available to authorised staff.
We comply with all professional and statutory privacy obligations. All information provided by you to the practice, whether to your GP or staff, is strictly confidential and will not be shared with any third party unless you request it, or sharing it is required by law.
The sharing of your health information with other health professionals will always be discussed with you first.
Your information is stored securely, and all staff are trained in the management of health information and confidentiality.
If you wish to access your health information, please discuss this with your doctor. For more, see our privacy policy. A copy of our Privacy Policy is located at Reception and on our website.
Contact details
Maintaining up-to-date contact information is essential: please let us know of any changes to your contact details, including your next of kin in case of an emergency or if we cannot contact you for an urgent matter.
Recall and reminder systems
As appropriate, you will automatically be enrolled in the reminder systems administered through the practice. Please advise reception staff if you would prefer this not to happen.
Recalls will occur when the doctor requests you return for an important or urgent matter.
Our reception team will be happy to take your telephone message and pass it on to the doctor, who will deal with it as soon as they are available to do so. Our doctors can conduct consultations, provide referrals or provide prescriptions over the telephone – you can also come into the practice for a consultation with your doctor. To ensure your privacy, our staff will reply to your requesting and consent email with the results/medical correspondence.
PHONE calls:
From time to time your GP or practice nurse may call you to relay urgent medical information. Messages will be passed on to your GP and will be dealt with at their discretion.
Telephone Consult:
If you are having a phone consultation, you will just need your mobile or landline phone. It is also important to identify a quiet, private place where you can talk to your GP over the phone. Choose somewhere where there is no background noise.
- Wait for your GP to call you for the consultation. As with appointments in the practice, our GP might be running behind
- Make sure you have your device near you and not on silent mode.
- If you’re having a phone consultation, our GP might need to ask you some initial questions to make sure they’re talking to the right person.
- Our GP will go through everything covered in your consultation, including any actions you need to take (eg getting a blood test, getting and filling your prescription, making another appointment). Make sure you write these down
- Ask your GP to clarify anything you did not understand during your consultation.
- If you would prefer a paper prescription/reports/referrals, you will need to come in and collect this from our general practice.
Getting your prescription during telephone consult:
- We cannot send scripts through email as this is not a secure means of communication.
- Our GP can now send your medicine prescriptions to your mobile phone number (SMS) or email address using a ‘Escript’
- An electronic prescription is an alternative to a paper prescription. If you choose an electronic prescription, our general practitioner (GP) will send a ‘token’ to your mobile phone via SMS or to your email. Your token is then scanned by your pharmacy to dispense your electronic prescription. The pharmacy can then access your electronic prescription and dispense your medicine. When using electronic prescriptions, you can still visit any pharmacy you choose.
- For pharmacies that don’t utilise an Escript. With your permission and the necessary information, we can fax a paper prescription to the pharmacy so that when you visit, the medications will be dispensed.
Blood test and radiology requests during telephone consult:
- If you need a request for a blood test or radiology appointment, our GP can send the request to you by email. You can then contact the pathology or radiology clinic you wish to attend, and ask how you should forward the electronic request to them (via email is preferable).
- If you know which pathology or radiology clinic you will attend while on the phone with your GP, you can ask your GP to send directly to the clinic. You may need to contact the clinic to book an appointment (for radiology). The results will be sent back to our GP as usual.
Our doctor will advise you of when they expect your test results to arrive back. Make sure to book in an appointment to review your test results with your doctor. If your tests or reports reveal any urgent concerns or request a need to follow-up for non-urgent appointments, the receptionist or your doctor will contact you to book in for a consultation. For patient confidentiality purposes, after we provide test results over the phone, our staff will reply to your requesting and consent email with the results. We may send reminders by SMS, phone or letters regarding your test results and reports – please let Reception know if you wish to opt out of receiving these reminders.
At our clinics we have Registered Nurses working who are available for appointments. Our Nurses offer a variety of services including Health checks, Diabetes and blood sugar check, Immunisations, Dressing change and Wound care, Blood pressure checks, Spirometry, ECG’s Baby growth and development. Appointments for our nurses can be made through reception.
Appointment Cancellation & Non-Attendance Policy
- We understand that plans change and appointments need to be rescheduled or cancelled. Wherever possible, we ask that scheduled appointments be cancelled 24 hours before the appointment time.
- Our team of health professionals want to be available for the needs of you and all of our patients. Providing 24 hours’ notice allows us to offer your appointment to another patient who may need to see a doctor more urgently.
- When a patient does not show for a scheduled appointment, it means that another patient loses an opportunity to be seen. In an attempt to avoid this, we have a non-attendance policy.
- With a first appointment non-attendance we ask that you please remind yourself of our non-attendance policy and the potential fee that could occur following a third missed appointment.
- Following a second non-attendance you will be notified that a third missed appointment will result in a fee of $50 being applied to your account (at the discretion of Management).
- After a third non-attendance a $50 fee will be applied to your account. Once this fee is paid you will then be able to book further appointments with us.
An iron infusion is a minor one-hour procedure that involves injecting an iron-containing medicine directly into the bloodstream, in order to circulate and reach the organs that require iron to function normally.
Iron Infusions are administered to treat cases of anaemia, and iron deficiency without anaemia. It can be used to rapidly raise and increase iron levels.
To book an iron infusion please call reception on 02 9626 8865. A consultation with a doctor is required prior to booking in your iron infusion. In this consultation your recent blood test results will be discussed, if you are a new patient to the practice, please bring a copy of the most recent blood test results. The doctor will then provide a script for Ferrinject which can be purchased from the chemist of your choice. Iron infusions cannot be booked online.
The upfront cost for the iron infusion procedure for
- Medicare patient will be $50 OUT OF POCKET.
- Private patient will be $50 AND Long Consult(rebate).
Ramona St Medical Centre is a fully BULK-BILLED practice
for patients with a valid Medicare card.
Patients without a Medicare card will be required to pay privately as per the fee schedule below. RSMC do not charge any Gap Fees. When there are charges, appointment costs can vary depending on time, consultation types and procedures. Please speak to a friendly reception staff member for fees and charges related to your appointment.
Please refer to the tables below.
Private Day Billing Rates Monday to Friday (9am-8pm) and Saturday till 1pm
Medicare Item# | Type of Attendance | Consultation fee and Rebate |
23 | Standard Consultation, Level B
(<20min) |
$41.20 |
36 | Long Consultation, Level C
(>20min) |
$79.70 |
Other General Billings (additional to the Private consult)
ECG | $20 |
Pregnancy Test | $20 |
**Flu Shot | $20 |
**Spirometry | $30 |
Iron Infusion | $50 |
**Fitness to Drive Assessment (Consult by Itself and commercial purpose) | $100 |
Please note: Billing is at the instruction and discretion of the medical centre Policy and the GP; it’s not decided by the reception.
Any payment is an issue, please discuss with your GP at the end of your consultation.
Reception will be notified at the end of the consultation on what to bill.
Full payment of fees is required following your consultation.
We accept EFTPOS, Cash, Credit cards and Amex.
**Please note, some of our GP’s provide services which are privately billed with no rebates available**
For urgent home visits and bulk-billed after-hours consultations, we recommend:
• 13SICK (that’s 13 74 25) or email
- Available 6pm – 8am
Our Practice have multilingual staff, and we welcome patients from all backgrounds and linguistic backgrounds. If you need free interpreting services from the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) or hearing-impaired services from AUSLAN, please let our reception team know in advance so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
Our booking system is set up to automatically send you an SMS reminder the day before your appointment, unless you have opted out or do not have a mobile phone.
We ask that you kindly confirm your appointment by replying “YES” to the SMS, or you cancel the appointment by replying “NO”.
You can also click on the link in the message to confirm, cancel or change your appointment, or you can call us to do so. If you have given us your email address, our booking system will also email you an appointment confirmation upon you booking an appointment. You can use the links in the email to opt out of receiving these emails.
We send SMS reminders as part of our practice’s commitment to preventative health care.
This includes reminders for annual flu vaccines, scheduled child immunisations, boosters for travel vaccines, health assessments, blood pressure checks, cervical screens and routine tests.
If you have opted out of receiving these reminders or you do not have a mobile phone, you will not receive these reminders. We might try to call you about them, but we generally don’t. It is ultimately your responsibility to take preventative steps to look after your own health.
We send SMS messages to patients to follow up important matters, such as test results.
If you have opted out of receiving these reminders or you do not have a mobile phone, we will contact you about recalls by other means, as we have a duty to follow up important matters.
Reminders and Recalls:
We send our patients SMS messages about the following:
- Appointment reminders;
- Preventative health reminders; and
- Messages about test results and to follow up other important matters (also known as recalls).
We also send emails to our patients to confirm appointment bookings.
- Privacy legislation limits our ability to send emails containing health information to you or request any information, personal or health related, via email. In some cases, exceptions can be made with your consent.
If you would like to stop receiving recalls or reminders by SMS, please let our receptionist know so we can update your communication preferences in our system to turn them off.
If you are not receiving SMS reminders and/or recalls from us but would like to, please let our receptionist know. We may need to update your phone number or change your communication preferences in our system.
Drug prescription policy
The doctors do not prescribe drugs of dependence to patients that they are unfamiliar with.
We always welcome constructive comments or suggestions. Our Staff and Practice Manager are here to help so please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. Due to the unpredictable nature of general practice consultations, the doctors will sometimes be behind schedule. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Ramona Street Medical Centre takes complaints seriously. Upon receipt of a complaint, we will examine the complaint and investigate internal procedures.
We will endeavour to respond to your complaint within 30 days of submission. We may need you to provide more details about the complaint to be able to respond properly.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can contact the Health Complaint Commissioner.
Health Care Complaint Commissioner
Telephone: 1800 043 159
Members of the public may make a notification to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) about the conduct, health or performance of a practitioner or the health of a student.
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
Telephone: 1300 419 495
- Privacy Policy
- Code of Conduct Policy
- Anti – Discrimination Policy
- Data and Security Breach Protocol
- Internet and Email Usage Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Feedback